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Return To Manliness Featured At Lucky Manival #13

22 July 2008 No Comment

Over at A Good Husband.net, the weekly Manival #13 (blog carnival for men) has been published.  Cory does an incredible job on his blog talking about everything under the sun when it comes to “being a good husband”.

Once again, Return To Manliness was fortunate enough to make the cut with one our Manliness Trait articles.  This week’s installment of Treat The Speaker As The Most Important Person In The Room was a labor of love for me to compose.

I try to implement and live my life by all of my Manliness Traits, but at times some of the traits may contradict each other.  This one should never be overlooked.

If followed with cult-like fashion, this single trait alone will open doors you never thought existed, let alone believe you could open.  The results of this one act continues to amaze me.

On the other articles included in this week’s Manival, I suggest reading them all.  I especially appreciated the “Tuck Your Kids Into Bed” post over at The Simple Marriage Project.

I read Dr. Allan’s blog, along with pretty much everyone included in these Manivals, on a regular basis.  They provide a foundation of learning for us men that simply was not available 20 years ago.  Just think about how wonderful a resource this could have been when we were growing up!!!

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